Rife Digestive System 1&2 and General Healing in One Big Package
Made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree
Not charged files are for listen via headphones only
Files which are charged are for listen or using as Audio Talismans
1). RifeHealingGeneralHealthMp3sATs.zip
There are:
- Sine Wave Rife
- Square Wave Rife (more intense, powerful)
Both Sine as Square are charged up to:
- 1x
- 5x
Charged mp3s are with these Audio Spells:
- YHWH Health
- YHWH Immortality and Anti-Aging
Not Charged Sine wave Rife files:
- Rife – Detox.mp3
- Rife – Fatigue.mp3
- Rife – GeneralBalance_&SpiritualWellBeing.mp3
- Rife – Headaches.mp3
- Rife – Healing and Regeneration.mp3
- Rife – Toxin (Metal) Detox – (Toxin extraction).mp3
- Rife – Toxin Elimination.mp3
Not Charged Square wave Rife files:
- Square Chakra Balance (Fabian Maman Set).mp3
- Square Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.mp3
- Square Detox.mp3
- Square Fatigue.mp3
- Square Hangover.mp3
- Square Healing and regeneration.mp3
- Square MegaBalancingWithThyroid.mp3
Above mp3s are also charged up to 1x and 5x (if different folders).
At total 42 mp3s files (in six folders) in one ZIP archive. Use freeware 7zip to get access to these files.
For receive health benefit from these files listen to Sine Wave for 40 minutes – three times per day.
Square Wave can be listen only 40 minutes per day – however if you want more strong effect listen up to three times per day.
After 1-3 days – there should be change – however to achieve stable effect listen up to 14 days.
Listen only via headphones. Audio talismans can be used at pen-drive – but please use it wisely and carefully.
These are experimental mp3s; no FDA statements.
Please use them wisely and only on your own responsibility.
Files are copyrighted and works for you and your blood-relatives.
2). RifeHealingDigestiveSystemPartOneMp3sATs.zip
There are:
- Sine Wave Rife
- Square Wave Rife (more intense, powerful)
Both Sine as Square are charged up to:
- 1x
- 5x
Charged mp3s are with these Audio Spells:
- YHWH Immortality and Anti-Aging
- YHWH Brain and Digestive System Healing
- Digestive System Healing
Not Charged Sine wave Rife files:
- RifeSine_AbdominalInflamantation.mp3
- RifeSine_AbdominalPain.mp3
- RifeSine_Acidosis.mp3
- RifeSine_ColitisandDiarrhea.mp3
- RifeSine_ColonProblems.mp3
Not Charged Square wave Rife files:
- RifeSquare_AbdominalInflamantation.mp3
- RifeSquare_AbdominalPain.mp3
- RifeSquare_Acidosis.mp3
- RifeSquare_ColitisandDiarrhea.mp3
- RifeSquare_ColonProblems.mp3
Above mp3s are also charged up to 1x and 5x (if different folders).
At total 30 mp3s files (in six folders) in one ZIP archive. Use freeware 7zip to get access to these files.
For receive health benefit from these files listen to Sine Wave for 40 minutes – three times per day.
Square Wave can be listen only 40 minutes per day – however if you want more strong effect listen up to three times per day.
After 1-3 days – there should be change – however to achieve stable effect listen up to 14 days.
Listen only via headphones. Audio talismans can be used at pen-drive – but please use it wisely and carefully.
These are experimental mp3s; no FDA statements.
Please use them wisely and only on your own responsibility.
Files are copyrighted and works for you and your blood-relatives.
3). RifeHealingDigestiveSystemPartTwoMp3sATs.zip
There are:
- Sine Wave Rife
- Square Wave Rife (more intense, powerful)
Both Sine as Square are charged up to:
- 1x
- 5x
Charged mp3s are with these Audio Spells:
- YHWH Immortality and Anti-Aging
- YHWH Brain and Digestive System Healing
- Digestive System Healing
Not Charged Sine wave Rife files:
- RifeSine_Diarrhea.mp3
- RifeSine_IntestinalProblemsColon.mp3
- RifeSine_IrritableBowelSyndrome.mp3
- RifeSine_StomachDisorders.mp3
Not Charged Square wave Rife files:
- RifeSqaure_Diarrhea.mp3
- RifeSquare_IntestinalProblemsColon.mp3
- RifeSquare_IrritableBowelSyndrome.mp3
- RifeSquare_StomachDisorders.mp3
Above mp3s are also charged up to 1x and 5x (if different folders).
At total 24 mp3s files (in six folders) in one ZIP archive. Use freeware 7zip to get access to these files.
For receive health benefit from these files listen to Sine Wave for 40 minutes – three times per day.
Square Wave can be listen only 40 minutes per day – however if you want more strong effect listen up to three times per day.
After 1-3 days – there should be change – however to achieve stable effect listen up to 14 days.
Listen only via headphones. Audio talismans can be used at pen-drive – but please use it wisely and carefully.
These are experimental mp3s; no FDA statements.
Please use them wisely and only on your own responsibility.
Files are copyrighted and works for you and your blood-relatives.
PLN 147.00