SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra)
Orange Energy Signature
Unlock your inner drive and awaken your passion with the SRV5 Motivation Level 1, designed specifically to activate and balance your Sacral Chakra. This powerful energy tool helps you reconnect with your creativity, enhance your motivation, and find deeper enjoyment in your personal and professional life.
The Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, governs your sense of pleasure, emotional well-being, and drive. When this chakra is balanced, it fuels your desires, helps you stay motivated, and encourages a positive outlook on life. SRV5 Motivation Level 1 is crafted to align and energize this area, allowing you to overcome procrastination, ignite your ambitions, and bring clarity to your goals.
Whether you’re looking to boost your creative energy, gain clarity, or enhance your ability to take action, this product supports you in achieving greater emotional harmony and self-confidence.
Key Benefits:
Energizes and balances the Sacral Chakra
Enhances motivation and desire to take action
Stimulates creativity and emotional well-being
Increases focus and drive for personal and professional goals
Promotes a positive and empowered mindset
Empower your journey with SRV5 Motivation Level 1 and awaken the powerful energy of your Sacral Chakra to manifest your dreams with passion and clarity.
MP3 AT includes:
Imprinted energies and frequencies for motivation, ambition
Icosahedral energy empowerment
These additional benefits can be experienced:
Release of
Past sexual abuse trauma(s) or abuse of any kind
Unhealthy eating habits
Phobias (different ones)
It can be helpful to cure shyness.
Optimism and good mood support
Possible health benefits:
Digestive system improvement
Urinary tract improvement
Energy boost (especially for those chronically tired)
Files you will receive (500 MB):
01 1x SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra).mp3
02 10x SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra).mp3
03 100x SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra).mp3
04 500x SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra).mp3
05 1000x SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra).mp3
06 5000x SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra).mp3
01 1x SRV5 Motivation Level 1 (Sacral Chakra).mp3: that MP3AT has been tested by non-sensitive person and the effect of motivation, ambition boost is confirmed along with some other benefits.
Each MP3 file is dynamic and way more subtle in compare to Silent Bliss Engines.
Can be listened to via headphones, earphones, or speakers and at the same time as an audio talisman.
To add more power ⇒ make more copies on any drive. Works the best near the chest; however, if you are sensitive to energies, better keep it in the right pocket.
Recommended usage: 2–4 hours per day for 14–30 days. Stable results: 30–90 days.
Please consider using it wisely and only on your responsibility. Never use it as a Toy. Do not overpower or stress out yourself. Remember about grounding. Drink a lot of water. Do not dehydrate yourself as an effect of too much energy.
Files are delivered via FastSpring as Instant Download in ZIP file archive and will be available for download through 10 years (anyway, please make your own backup).
Read our Listening Agreement before using these files, and optionally check our FAQ articles.
Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood relatives.
CZK 1,370.00