Convert Any Files To Audio Talisman

up to 40,000x

Convert any file into manifestation. In another words, turn any image, video or text file into your real physical life. I know it sounds pretty odd, but it’s possible in thank of Audio Talismans tech.

this is made upon Silent Bliss Nature Tree and as it goes with it’s background it’s version 1. It has general purpose to manifesting any type of files into real physical life.

and this Audio Spell is included:

131. Convert any file into Audio Talisman (just any, RTF, or video, of sound, pictures) –

This AT (Audio Talisman made upon it) must be put into folder named as „ATsManifestation999” and all files that will be in that folder on any drive (microSD, pen-drive, phone’s memory) will be manifested, but person needs to keep the drive near the body.

If there are videos, it may help manifesting videos. If on videos are expensive cars it may manifesting expensive cars.

If there are RTF or PDF file about any topic, it may help manifesting it, (or if it’s made for learning, it may help accumulate this knowledge much faster).

Finally it Convert other vendors subliminals, any affirmations, even your own, any audio (can be song) into Audio Talisman by keeping them in this special folder „ATsManifestation999” along with copies of this special „converting” Ats (for boost power person need to by copy and paste function add more files of ConveranyfileintoAudioTalisman within above folder.
There is no much limitation on which file can be manifested. There isn’t be any problem with most common files, like:

Music: ogg, mp3, flac, wave
Video: gif, avi, mov, mp4,
Images: png, bmp, jpg, pdf
Text: tex, doc, rtf, docx, pdf

You may even record you own affirmations and put there. Or even write them down in text file.
It will convert literally everything: videos, pictures, subliminals, documents like RTF/PDF even binaurals and reiki energy should works with it too.

The following “x” strength / power versions and folders are inside the package:
ATsManifestation999\ (folder to which your files and ConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalismans copies must be kept on drive)

  • 1000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 100xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 10xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 12,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 16,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 20,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 2000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 200xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 20xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 30,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 3xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 4000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 400xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 40xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 5xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 8000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 800xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3
  • 80xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3


What others say: Sorry for these very long questions that I could not express more simply for the sake of mutual understanding. Of course your tool works very well and I have good results, it’s just that I do not let these results which are rather random for me, I wish to have a better understanding of this tool for a more relevant and more useful use. effective. M.B.

(You can make many of “ATsManifestation999” folders at one drive, just make sure that files for manifesting are inside of each one

To Keep all folders at the same drive it will works that way:


“d:” is the name of your drive.

just make sure the manifestation files and files for manifesting are within this special named folder).

To make it works You have to copy this folder “ATsManifestation999” in any location path at any drive and put inside this folder your desired files for manifestation and preferably amount of copies of “x”ConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3.

For example you copy the folder: “ATsManifestation999” on your drive and put inside:
Three copies of 16,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisman.mp3 and along of it you copy into the same folder pics of women.
That’s all. Keep the pen-drive near your body and watch your reality.

I have checked it with 150 pictures of how women, gosh, really works, just after 1 hour if someone have an “eye” to catch the difference.

Also I tired it with Gifs with women, pretty interesting, seen them everywhere just after 4 hours.

It also works upon any videos.

By saying this, it’s literally manifesting all content, anything it could be – so choose the files for manifesting very carefully !!! – I would imagine if you take pics of fast cars you will encounter more of them at your way.

There shouldn’t be problem with Manifesting Board files as well. However you can just take the pictures of your goals and it should works too.

This can be use as “on the go” manifesting tool at your phone. Dependently from situation you can delete and and new files for manifesting.

This is not for listening. Only use as Audio Talisman.

Desired period of using is at least 14-30 days. However fast effect for those who have an ability to see the “effects” faster (kind of 3rd eye ability), most of sensitive people have it build-in, can see the changes even in attitude within 10 minutes after using it (especially with highest acceptable “x” strength / power) and see the changes in reality within one hour.

Please use it wisely and only on your own responsibility. Never use it as a Toy. Do not overpower or stress out yourself. Remember about grounding. Drink a lots of water. Do not dehydrate yourself as an effect of too much energy.

Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood relatives.

Tips: If you want to pick up your mood – try add to the folder pictures of smiling people (Especially recommended at Autum but not only) –
Also good idea is to take old pictures on which smiling and show joy of yourself.

If you want to “sit there and do it”, you could take a picture while you at work, this also should attract desired output.


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Question 1: In the description of this file on your website, it says that increasing the number of copies 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisma, will boost the strength of the subliminal (or morphic field / energy field) contained in the ATsManifestation999 folder. If I want to increase X10 (multiply by 10) the strength (power) of my unique subliminal (or morphic field / energy field) contained in the ATsManifestation999 folder, how many copies of 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisma do I need to add in the ATsManifestation999 folder ? ? To increase X35 (multiply by 35) the strength (power) of my unique subliminal (or morphic field / energy field), do I need to add 35 copies of the 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisma file??

Answer 1: I’ll try to answer your questions and I would like to mention that I don’t absolutely everything about how it works in tiny details – however I am sure based upon different experimenting that all MP3s/ATs apply to Cosmos Laws and Energy Laws. At the same time my views of how it works may change as time pass by – because my upgrading experience and knowledge.

I am very happy that this product works for you and probably bring some joy to your life.

Ok, questions.

It boost all files in folder accordingly to each specific file power.

Yes, it can be done or count in these terms:

For example file 20,000x x 35 = power of 35 of this file.

To lower the power: file 10,000x x 35 = 0,5 of above power.

But yes, two files of 20,000x = 40,000x.

However two files of 10,000x are not 100% equal to 20,000x – the value of “x” is estimated but close to (accuracy of about 70-95% [which also vary with each MP3/AT title]).


1. (Any content in folder) x (chosen file for example ONE file 20,000x) = (any content in folder with 20,000x power)

2. (Any content in folder) x (chosen file for example TWO files 20,000x) = (any content in folder with 40,000x power).

Question 2: when in my ATsManifestation999 folder, I have 30 copies of the 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisma file, and 2 subliminal audios (or morphic field / energy field), do the 30 copies apply to each of the 2 subliminal audios (or morphic field / energy field)? ? or else, are the 30 copies of the 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisma file distributed uniformly (in equal proportion) between the 2 subliminal audios (or morphic field / energy field), or 15 copies of the 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisma file for the first subliminal audio (or morphic field / energy field), and the other 15 copies of the 40,000xConvertAnyFilesToAudioTalisma file for the second subliminal audio (or morphic field / energy field)? ?

Answer 2: 30 copies of 40,000x energize all files in folder accordingly to their:

  1. Size (for movies it’s the length of motion and sound) (for MP3 it’s length of it).If you are using TXT 200KB file along with 10 min subliminal 320kbps I would recommend to making some more copies of the TXT file if you want increase probability of split the power equally.
  2. Quality of files does matter too.
  3. Energy of particular file. Some files like subliminals, Fields or other MP3, or SMF / HT4Y MP3, or REIKI MP3s or any Audio Recordings that include recorded metaphysical energy are usually much stronger than TXT files – and in this case these files will amplify the overall power.

For checking how it works I would recommend to “test” or “experiment” with something easy.

For example certain symbols/pictures close into one theme. It’s good to take a walk with these, so you can gather instant “feedback” from the outside reality especially in case there are other people. Of course take care to manifesting only good and positive things.