Self-Improvement and Life Changing Audio MP3s made with passion.


Innovative technology of Audio Talismans.

(any drive into virtual pendant)
Emotional Balance – Sound Resonance V5

Emotional Balance – Sound Resonance V5

Emotional Balance Sound Resonance V5 This MP3/AT creating sense of emotional balance and calmness. Enter into a majestic wall of sound that will lead you to emotional peace and balance. Additional features: balance of Yin Yang general health improvement release panic...

Bliss Engine 12

Bliss Engine 12

Hey,   Bliss Engine v.12 become just like the above video. It glows with power and to keep it shortly it's all that it can do except some minor improvement. Previous Bliss Engines are so energetically charged that walking past them causes a headache.By saying that,...

RAD Wealth V2

RAD Wealth V2

'RAD Wealth V2' Powerful Audio Spell until 10 April 2024 Made with Silent Bliss Engine v.10. (each file is for listen or use as an Audio Talisman) This MP3 file works for sensitive people, as insensitive. Very powerful and subtle MP3 for listening and Audio Talisman;...

Psychic Skills v.2

Psychic Skills v.2

Psychic Skills v.2 Updated Version 2.1 The MP3 is loaded with Psychic Powers and is for boost psychic powers increase psi faith awake ESP, remote viewing slight 3rd eye chakra opening This MP3 based upon Silent Bliss Subliminal TTS and includes also Silent4D Image... made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and Booster7 The following audio spells (energies) are inside: Self-Control No emotional storms, bottle emotions, overcome neediness Anti-Naive Buddha Mind (psychic strength) Control Anger Assertive...