1 JANUARY 2023


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Special Share Promo***

    • If you purchase 2 Xsigils for yourself – you can nominate a family member to have 1 created for your spouse, parents or children.

    • If you purchase a VGC – you can nominate a family member
      to have one VGC

    • if you purchase 1 Demi God Project ***** – you can nominate one family member (spouse or children only) to have one created for him or her

****-Demi God Project is now limited due to planets; before purchase, checking compatibility is required.

***-XSigils, Virtual Psionic, VGCs, and Demi God Project can be created between:

07 December 2022 until 15-20 December 2022
and after 01 January 2023 onward

Scientific and Languages Super Learning _up to 8000x

Scientific and Languages Super Learning _up to 8000x

Scientific and Languages Super Learning _up to 8000x this is made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and is for speed learning - especially math, physics, and all these where you need to think a bit. Also good for programming languages. Indeed can be useful while learning...

Hypnotic Wealth Visualization 10Hz

Hypnotic Wealth Visualization 10Hz

Hypnotic Wealth Visualization 10Hz up to 650x Silent creative visualization - play it with headphones or speakers and let the wealth images silently appears in your mind. Here is another very effective approach to attracting and manifesting wealth in life. This is...

Reach Life Goals (Hyp1 & Hyp2) up to 20,000x

Reach Life Goals (Hyp1 & Hyp2) up to 20,000x

Reach Life Goals up to 20,000x Hypnosis v.1 and Hypnosis v.2 made with Silent Bliss Hypnotic v.2 and Hypnosis v.1. It is exactly for: 50. Re-program mind for clearly see life goal. It can be helpful against time wasters, Seeing life’s goal. Pro-life. Life Affirm....

Grounding up to 6000x

Grounding up to 6000x

Grounding up to 6000x all mp3s are made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree (the imitation of energy that radiate from old, healthy, nature tree) Very good for grounding and balancing purposes - where smooth energy is very adequate. Following energies (Audio Spells) are...



Extraordinary Luck _up to 20,000x made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree upon this Audio Spell: 134. Extraordinary Luck – in everything, great synchronizations, all things going my way, and extreme luck, in both Love, and Wealth, relationships, social interaction. Also...

Chi Kung Healer

Chi Kung Healer

Chi Kung Healer (up to 300x) Chi Kung Healer made with Silent Bliss Subliminal TTS in help of these audio spells: Chi Kung I Chi Kung II Godly Healing (activate healing thru hands abilities) I Godly Healing (activate healing thru hands abilities) II Psi Faith YHWH Psi...

Booking Success Mp3 & AT

Booking Success Mp3 & AT

Booking Success Mp3 & AT in one power of about 120x Made with Angelic Bliss Engine v.4 Chi suggestions are upon these goals/affirmations - only the 1st goal is treated as "in time which is most desired for me" not specific month or so - just the time which is most...

Deep Sleep Induction _up to 8000x

Deep Sleep Induction _up to 8000x

Deep Sleep Induction _upto8000x this is made with Silent Bliss Hypnosis v.1 - design to listen in safe environment with your eyes closed. Do not use it while driving a car or during activities that require your full attention. Audio Spells: Sleeping Pill or Water...

Increasing Brain Capacity _upto2500x   This is Silent Bliss Nature Tree - new type of Silent Bliss Engine - it's imitate energy that radiate from old healthy trees - it's energy is quite subtle and therefore it penetrate mind and body with positive energies even...

Total Balance And Health

Total Balance And Health

Total Balance and Health made with Silent Bliss Engine It include these six audio spells: 1). Immortality – this one works in sync with target’s soul, for make life longer maximally, and anti-aging and for perfect health. Immortality with Anti Aging and Perfect Health...



ManifestingExtraordinaryLuck Made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and Angelic Bliss Engine v.7 (for people sensitive to energy - up to 40-60x) Energies encoded into each MP3: Manifest any Desires, hidden dreams Ancient Angelic Yahweh Manifesting Desires Awaken God...

PsiHeartToHeartTelepathy made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree for gaining ability and develop telepathy (heart to heart) - it however avoid creating mind-to-mind telepathy and use most safe way through heart - so you will be sure that information that you...


   is the website about self-improvement and self-mastery. We provide digital tools in form of MP3s / Audio Talismans* in many categories.

Our mission is making this world the better place. We focus on creating white-magic creations, because we are aware of the Law of Cosmos: that “anything you do, say or think back to you”. Another Law is useful: “Your outside reality is the manifestation of your mind”.

“Audio Talisman” is our unique invention and was created by inspiration received from those who asked for “more powerful MP3s” and “maximally efficient”, those who asked for “real results”.

The MP3s and Audio Talismans in most cases have very high success ratio. New titles like “up to M30x” include different very high levels of “intense” / or “different very powerful level of strength”.

You, as the user of this website have to keep in mind, that tools provided by this website are not TOYS. Using these tools with moderation is true key to success. Obviously no one drink 100 cups of coffee per day, the same it’s not recommended at all – to overdose HealingTools4You “MP3 / Audio Talismans Tools”.

Success ratio depends on course from your individual, unique personal background, your individuality, your beliefs AND your sensitivity to energy.

Before using any of the HealingTools4You’s MP3s / Audio Talismans you have to fully agree and accept: Listening and using Audio Talismans, MP3s, other tools Agreements



Emotional Balance – Sound Resonance V5

Emotional Balance Sound Resonance V5 This MP3/AT creating sense of emotional balance and calmness. Enter into a majestic wall of sound that will lead you to emotional peace and balance. Additional features: balance of Yin Yang general health improvement release panic...

Sound Resonance v.5 – Calmness Stress Release & Sleep

Calmness Stress Release & Sleep Sound Resonance v.5 Wealth, money, work and hot chicks. What about good sleep with this awesome Sound Resonance version 5? Enter a sleep zone instantly! It can be listened via headphones, any speakers and can be used as favorite...

Remove Anxiety and Anger MP3 AT

REMOVE Anxiety and Anger MP3 & AT up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals and special Chi-Energy-Booster. These MP3s and Audio...

Hair Regrow up to M30x

Hair Regrow up to M30x and Spherical up to 100,000x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals and special Chi-Booster. Supportive Spherical...

Demodex Charged Rife Square up to 1000x

Demodex Charged Rife Square up to 1000x It is Square Rife to get rid of Demodex in original non-charged version and charged version. This product is for people who are non-sensitive to energy (!) Any Rife Square Frequencies are powerful in nature - when charged, the...

Total Balance And Health Version 2

Total Balance And Health Version 2   Second version empowered with Large Quartz Crystals, Stone Circles Energy and Pyramids. Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX For listening via earphones, headphones, speakers or using as Audio Talisman   Total Balance and...

The Power of the Seven Archangels up to M30x

The Power of the Seven Archangels up to M30x (432Hz) This product based upon invocations and evocations to Grand Archangels. By using it you can gain supernatural help in almost any life's area. Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio...

Release Stress and Grounding up to 13,000x

Release Stress and Grounding up to 13,000x Get rid of all stress and ground yourself at all levels   Following Audio Spells / Energies are within each audio: 1. Chakra Balancing – balancing all charkas, energies within the body, meridians, female and male...

Grounding up to 6000x

Grounding up to 6000x all mp3s are made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree (the imitation of energy that radiate from old, healthy, nature tree) Very good for grounding and balancing purposes - where smooth energy is very adequate. Following energies (Audio Spells) are...

Demolish Smoking Beliefs and See Life’s Goal _up to 3500x

Demolish Smoking Beliefs and See Life's Goal _up to 3500x it's made with Silent Bliss Free Negative Beliefs engine and enhanced with Angelic Booster. With these mp3s you can: remove smoking habits remove negative beliefs about smoking remove beliefs about your life's...

Wealth Package 5x 10Hz Silent Bliss Hypnosis Version 1 This is for sensitive people (to energy) - because each file is charged up to 5x. These are designed to re-program the mind and can be used only in a SAFE ENVIRONMENT - especially because each file is made with...

Sound Resonance v.5: (Two Versions: True and RAW) Wealth Luck and anti Poverty (I & II) High Success Ratio with Games of Chances (***UPDATED***)

Wealth Luck and anti Poverty (I & II) High Success Ratio with Games of Chances with True Wealth & Luck version up to 5000x (Very intense) Sound Resonance v.5 It's main goals are: wealth, luck and anti poverty, however it provides many other different and...

RAD Wealth V2

'RAD Wealth V2' Powerful Audio Spell until 10 April 2024 Made with Silent Bliss Engine v.10. (each file is for listen or use as an Audio Talisman) This MP3 file works for sensitive people, as insensitive. Very powerful and subtle MP3 for listening and Audio Talisman;...

Combo of Two Job Success MP3s and ATs up to M30x

Combo of Two Job Success MP3s and ATs 1). 'Perfect Job Success' MP3 and ATs up to M10x and new 2). 'Perfect Dream Job Success' 432Hz up to M30x  Powerful combo of different MP3s to achieving job success; charged MP3s with tons of affirmations; symbols, pentacles;...

Win the Lottery V3

 Win the Lottery V3 MP3 & AT up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals and special Chi-Energy-Booster. Win the Lottery is a hard...

Treasure Hunter up to M30x

Treasure Hunter up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals and special Chi-Energy-Booster. The Great Master of Lost Treasures This is...

Angelic Charm up to M30x

Angelic Charm MP3 & AT up to M30x 432Hz Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals Supportive Spherical version made with Silent Bliss...

(Science of) Getting Rich For Sensitive People

(Science of) Getting Rich For Sensitive People upon book by Napoleon Hill Package of four Mp3s for sensitive people which experience chi-overload/stress-out too much fast. The mp3 called as AutoSuggestions - must be done with eyes closed, relaxed state, and only -if...

Attract Prosperity Positive Affirmations Up To 45x

Attract Prosperity Positive Affirmations up to 45x Made with Wealth Engine v.1 (chi suggestions) and overlay with Hypnosis v.1 - use it carefully and on your own responsibility. Use it only in safe environment and with eyes closed and headphones. The affirmations are...

Hypnotic Wealth Visualization 10Hz

Hypnotic Wealth Visualization 10Hz up to 650x Silent creative visualization - play it with headphones or speakers and let the wealth images silently appears in your mind. Here is another very effective approach to attracting and manifesting wealth in life. This is...

SRV5 – True Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

True Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Sound Resonance v.5 This is up-to-date most powerful Sound Resonance v.5 product with profound boost of self-esteem and self-confidence. It also helps to loving yourself as you truly are, regardless your background. Across testing...

Sound Resonance V5 – Overcome Shyness (Basic Social Skills and Attitude)

Overcome Shyness Basic Social Skills and Attitude Sound Resonance V5 It's a very advanced one. In the nutshell, you can achieve with it these benefits: be more social not afraid to speak with people, strangers small talk be more flexible overcome shyness determination...

Charisma, Communication Skills, Self Confidence Audio Spell – until 10 May 2024 – New Bliss Engine v.10

Charisma, Communication Skills, Self Confidence Audio Spell Powerful Audio Spell until 10 May 2024 Made with Silent Bliss Engine v.10 (each file is for listen or use as an Audio Talisman) This MP3 file works for sensitive people, as insensitive. Very powerful and... made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and Booster7 The following audio spells (energies) are inside: Self-Control No emotional storms, bottle emotions, overcome neediness Anti-Naive Buddha Mind (psychic strength) Control Anger Assertive...

Public Speaking Hypnosis Video up to M30x

Public Speaking Hypnosis Video up to M30x "Fluent American English Speaker" "The conjunctions of numerous techniques in one" made with Bliss Engine 28000 VX (empowered by Positive & Protective Ankh Energy, Copper-Gold Magnets, 432Hz Tensor Rings) in Remove &...

The Ultimate Self-Mastery with Sacred Harmonics up to M30x

The Ultimate Self-Mastery with Sacred Harmonics up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX each file is for listen [better via speakers] or use as Audio Talisman Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals, special...

‘Get Jacked’ with Energy Subliminal 15500Hz up to M30x

'Get Jacked' with Energy Subliminal 15500Hz up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the Silent Bliss Subliminal MP3s/AT modification Triple Subliminal technology: Silent Subliminal modulated with...

Unconditional Love and Extreme Wealth up to M30x

Unconditional Love and Extreme Wealth 2in1 up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from STARS AND CONSTELLATIONS Supportive Spherical version made with Silent Bliss Spherical and Silent...

Laser Focus Tree up to 8000x

Laser Focus up to 8000x made in help of Silent Bliss Nature Tree (MP3 for listening and Audio Talisman at the same time) Gain super laser focus and concentration in anything you do.   Following Audio Spells / Energies are within each audio: 62. Laser Focus on...

Manifestation of the True Success Vol.2

Manifestation of the True Success Vol.2 This is volume 2 of the MP3 that will wipe out the negative thinking and remove mind beliefs - especially these which are related to worrying and lack of faith - and finally set the mind for achieving success. The audio is...

Neutralize All Curses Hexes Attacks and Gain Protection 432Hz up to M30x

Neutralize All Curses Hexes Attacks and Gain Protection 432Hz up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Additionally empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals This is the most...

Quieten The Mind From All Mind Chatter up to M30x

Quieten The Mind From All Mind Chatter Get rid of all unwanted mind's voices These MP3s (and Audio Talismans) based upon Yahweh Buddha Mind Energy - it's main role is to becoming master of mind in any aspect. Even it's not write within description of this eXtreme...


OffensiveProtectionGTR_upto20, made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree upon these Audio Spells: 2. Dark Armada – 10 powerful energy beings that will create wall of protection on all levels, cast out any demons, negative entities, even the low ones. Superb...

Anti Fear MP3 AT 432Hz up to 20,000x

Anti Fear (Remove FEAR) MP3 AT 432Hz up to 20,000x it is made with Silent Bliss Hypnotic v.2 upon this eXreme energy: 35. Remove Fear (Remove phobias, Irrational fears, fear, excessive suspiciousness etc etc). It can make you free from many limiting beliefs which...

Invisible Armor Haki Abilities MP3s

Two mp3s (each is for listening and is audio talisman at the same time) for develop and master three "Haki" abilities: invisible armor, extended perception and influence others at will. 2nd mp3 has 80x of ZenMind Silent4D Img Mp3. Both made with Angelic Bliss Engine...

No Shame and Trauma Removal 120x Hypnotic Bliss Engine v.6

No Shame and Trauma Removal 120x MP3sATs made with Hypnotic Bliss Engine v.6 (mix of Bliss Engine v.6 and Silent Bliss Hypnotic v.2) One main MP3 to erase traumatic experiences, traumatic mind states and for trauma removal - and second one for deep clearing of shame,...

Get Rid of Negative Influence V2 (Combo AT2 and MP3) *NEW Updated up to 1000x*

Get Rid of Negative Influence V2 (Combo AT2 and MP3) Updated to 1000x for non-sensitive to energy Remove Negative influence should work for anyone, regardless and to any personal background. It removes negative energy from all chakra points, even these in hands and... Open up for complete, complex protection against evil people and unwanted energies on all levels: physical, psychical, and spiritual. Ultimate Protection GTR pre-release There are two versions: v.1 and v.2 Description of “v.1”: As music...


Dark and White Protection Vol.1 and Vol.2 MP3s and Audio Talismans (at the same time) for complex protection and defense from negative people, energies, energy fields. Make yourself calm and feel safe at any time. DarkAndWhiteProtection_vol.1 include these energies:...

BeHappyV2 – Charged Positive Affirmations with Sync Music up to 1000x (Designed for Rapid Change)

BeHappyV2 - Charged Positive Affirmations with Sync Music up to 1000x made with Silent Bliss VRX10000Ultra Innovative approach to programming for positive thinking Effective Mood Improvement Many repetitions of any short sentences becomes true    Each file is at...

SRV5 – Ancient Wisdom and Charisma

Ancient Wisdom and Charisma Sound Resonance v.5 This is mid intense Sound Resonance which radiates and projecting energy with following features: Self-confidence Access to ancient wisdom Charisma A bit of leadership Strengthen will-power No fear to socialize with...

Sound Resonance 5: See Truth and Unseen up to 2000x

 See Truth and Unseen up to 2000x Sound Resonance v.5 It contains several energies and frequencies to see truth and discover unseen, can be treated as “lie detector”. There are two versions: 1 and 2. First one contains Angelic Energies, while second one is classic...

Psychic Skills v.2

Psychic Skills v.2 Updated Version 2.1 The MP3 is loaded with Psychic Powers and is for boost psychic powers increase psi faith awake ESP, remote viewing slight 3rd eye chakra opening This MP3 based upon Silent Bliss Subliminal TTS and includes also Silent4D Image...

Experience Real God v.6 – Alternative Version – 2in1 MP3 & AT

Experience Real God - Spiritual Order 852hz Alternative Version 6 2in1 MP3 & AT Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX and empowered by Superb Chi-Booster Supportive Spherical version made with Silent Bliss Spherical and Silent Bliss 25000 VX This is "the Ultimate...

Tetragrammaton Power up to 120,000x and M30x (VRX10000Ultra)

Tetragrammaton Power up to M30x made with Silent Bliss VRX10000Ultra Each audio is at the same time MP3 for listening and can be used as Audio Talismans. This creation is about to gathering power from different ancient texts and symbols that are related to...


Extraordinary Luck _up to 20,000x made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree upon this Audio Spell: 134. Extraordinary Luck – in everything, great synchronizations, all things going my way, and extreme luck, in both Love, and Wealth, relationships, social interaction. Also...

Chi Kung Healer

Chi Kung Healer (up to 300x) Chi Kung Healer made with Silent Bliss Subliminal TTS in help of these audio spells: Chi Kung I Chi Kung II Godly Healing (activate healing thru hands abilities) I Godly Healing (activate healing thru hands abilities) II Psi Faith YHWH Psi...

Kundalini and Third Eye Awakening MP3 and AT

Kundalini and Third Eye Awakening MP3 AT made with Angelic Bliss Engine v.4 (almost the same power as Bliss Engine v.6) It’s mp3 for listening and audio talisman at the same time. This is for -exactly as title indicate. Please use it very carefully. It’s has been...

Experience Real God 5 Mp3 (re-post) (updated)

Experience Real God 5 Mp3 made with Bliss Engine v.5.2. ChiR, v.5 and supported by Audio Talisman Device v.1 This is new version of SuperFaith and based on the real God's name taken from Dead Sea Scrolls. There are 3 audio spells with God's name and some audio spells...


ManifestingExtraordinaryLuck Made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and Angelic Bliss Engine v.7 (for people sensitive to energy - up to 40-60x) Energies encoded into each MP3: Manifest any Desires, hidden dreams Ancient Angelic Yahweh Manifesting Desires Awaken God...

Software & Online Browsers Manifesting Tool up to M30x

Software, Games & Online Browsers Manifesting Tool MP3 & AT up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals and special...

Convert Any SIGIL to Audio Talisman Version 2 up to M30x

Convert Any SIGIL to Audio Talisman Version 2 with Chakra and Solfeggio Frequencies up to M30x This is another, more powerful version of top selling Convert Any SIGILS To AT (Audio Talismans) empowered with Large Quartz Crystals, Stone Circles Energy, Pyramids and...

The Manifestation Ultima MP3 AT up to M30x

The Manifestation Grand Ultima MP3 & AT up to M30x 432Hz Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals Supportive Spherical version made with...

Convert Any Files To Audio Talisman Version 2 up to M30x

Convert Any Files To Audio Talisman Version 2 with Chakra and Solfeggio Frequencies up to M30x This is another, more powerful version of top selling Convert Any Files To AT empowered with Large Quartz Crystals, Stone Circles Energy and Pyramids. Made with Silent Bliss...

Boost Sensitivity to any Tools up to 120,000x (New upgrade)

Boost Sensitivity to any Tools up to 120,000x made with Silent Bliss Nature 1000x THIS IS NOT FOR SENSITIVE TO ENERGY PEOPLE THIS IS FOR TURN THOSE INSENSITIVE TO BEING SENSITIVE AND TO GAIN/SEE/EXPERIENCE RESULTS AND EFFECTS upon this Audio Spell (eXtreme energy):...


ManifestAnyVideoandHiddenWishesDesiresDreams15Hz_upto10000x made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and Angelic Booster. Yes, it’s up to 10,000x. Energies (these energies are included): Manifest Any Videos Manifest Hidden Wishes, Desires, Dreams Different “x” strength...

Manifest Any Video Main v.3 – Final Version!

Manifest Any Video Main v.3 - Final Version! Manifest any video (by watching video, and listen to an mp3 made upon this energy, or use audio talisman made upon this energy, and wear pen-drive with these audio talismans while watching video which want to manifest)  1....


ManifestAnyVideo1000x An mp3 and audio talisman for turn the videos/movies into reality. Imagine the possibility of manifesting any video content into your real physical life. It took about 3,5 week to finish. Massive amounts of energy was released while creating it....

Convert Any SIGIL to Audio Talisman up to 40,000x

Convert Any SIGIL to Audio Talisman Conver any sigil/symbol(that represents something)/pentacles to an manifestation audio talisman, which you can keep near your body to receive benefits from it. ConvertAnySIGILtoAudioTalisman_upto40, this is made upon Silent...

Convert Any Files To Audio Talisman up to 40,000x

Convert Any Files To Audio Talisman up to 40,000x Convert any file into manifestation. In another words, turn any image, video or text file into your real physical life. I know it sounds pretty odd, but it's possible in thank of Audio Talismans tech. this is made upon...

Wisdom and Knowledge 432Hz – Very mighty Audio Spell until 10 May 2024 – New Bliss Engine v.10

Wisdom and Knowledge 432Hz Powerful Audio Spell until 10 May 2024 Made with Silent Bliss Engine v.10 (each file is for listen or use as an Audio Talisman) This MP3 file works for sensitive people, as insensitive. Very powerful and subtle MP3 for listening and Audio...

Pass Tests with Speed Learning 432Hz up to M30x

Pass Tests up to M30x with Speed Learning 432Hz Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Empowered with Chi Energy Booster Quickly prepare for a test, exam with Super Learning. Pass any test, exam with ease. These MP3s (and...

Speed Learning 12Hz GTR

Speed Learning 12Hz GTR up to 700x There is Brainwave Background, so before listening to it via headphones/speakers, make sure that: Important information before listen to these MP3s: Those who should not use these MP3s include: pregnant women and those who are...

Mastery of any Programming Language in any environment up to M30x

Mastery of any Programming Language in any environment up to M30x Made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX (each file is for listen or use as Audio Talisman) Additionally empowered by the energies from Stone Circles, Pyramids, and Large Quartz Crystals   This product is...

Scientific and Languages Super Learning _up to 8000x

Scientific and Languages Super Learning _up to 8000x this is made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and is for speed learning - especially math, physics, and all these where you need to think a bit. Also good for programming languages. Indeed can be useful while learning...

Learning From Any Video Knowledge Version – Mp3 and Audio Talisman

Learning From Any Video Knowledge Version Mp3 and Audio Talisman up to 400x   These mp3s are for accumulate more knowledge. Maybe there is interesting topic or just mind beliefs that you would like to master. In both examples Learn from Any video mp3s will speed...

Convert Any Files To AT 12Hz – Learning Languages Version _up to 40,000x

Convert Any Files To AT 12Hz - Learning Languages Version _up to 40,000x this is an remake of ConvertAnyFileIntoAT, but optimized for learning languages. In the nutshell to make it works, you can put within the folder all files that are for learning languages, like...


IdealNeighborsSpherical_upto60, Use this for manifesting your ideal neighbors. Two options: play via speakers or attach to crystal (more advanced: embed into orgonite) and spread it in any place at your estate or at home to attract your ideal neighbors -...

CleanBadEnergies(Spherical) upto60,

CleanBadEnergies(Spherical)_upto60, Clean bad, evil energies by playing it via speakers or in help of pen-drive/microSD card (attached to crystal) in any room/flat. made with Silent Bliss Spherical for play via speakers or use embedded into orognite,...

Digital Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis – L.)

Digital Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis - L.) It's Bach Remedy made upon Lemon Balm. It may induce states of calmness, peace of mind, works similarly to anti-depressants, release stress, to mention few. Silent Bliss Bach Remedies Engine keeps ONLY healing abilities of...

Digital Black Tea Vol.1 (Camellia sinensis assamica)

Digital Black Tea Vol.1 (Camellia sinensis assamica) It's Bach Remedy made upon Assam Black Tea. Silent Bliss Bach Remedies Engine keeps ONLY healing abilities of herbs. According to Assam Black Tea is: The leaves are infused in hot water and used as...

Digital Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum)

Digital Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum) The effects of using it are related to stress release, boost motivation. Silent Bliss Bach Remedies Engine keeps healing abilities of herbs. According to Muira Puama is: Muira Puama has a long history of medicinal...